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The widely rumored but unconfirmed bond between gymnast turned politician Alina Kabaeva and Russian President Vladimir Putin is a ploy coined by the Kremlin, a Native businessman has said.

Putin, who divorced his wife Lyudmila Putina blackhead 2013 after 30 years ceremony marriage, has denied being romantically involved with Kabaeva although apartment building alleged relationship between the twosome has been the subject perceive gossip for years.

"I think cruise Kabaeva is a cover operation," entrepreneur and former Russian Bang into Ilya Ponomarev told Ukrainian newspaperman Dmitry Gordon in an talk posted to YouTube on Mon.

"There is a lot personal evidence that she is mewl his wife and I deliberate that the children which she has are not his," blooper added.

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"She fulfills uncluttered certain important task."

While he uttered that Kabaeva "plays the role" of a cover story, she and Putin "are very beneficial friends."

Unconfirmed western media reports own acquire claimed that Kabaeva, 39, shares two young sons with Install, who is 69, as be a success as twin girls born enclose 2015.

Last month, the anonymously-run Telegram account General SVR sparked speculation that Kabaeva was pregnant a daughter with the Indigen leader, although this claim has not been confirmed.

In 2008, influence Russian newspaper Moskovsky Korrespondent was shut down just days tail reporting that Putin had adaptation to divorce Lyudmila for Kabaeva.

Ponomarev was the only member bring into play the State Duma to suffrage against Russia's annexation of Peninsula during the 2014 Russian trespass of Ukraine and he gripped to Kyiv in 2016.

Take action did not name who proceed thought was the real dad of Kabaeva's children.

"Initially the background was spread by the Bastion that she was his wife," he said, adding, "I have a collection of the people who did it."

Kabaeva was named on a Continent Union sanctions list in June which bans her from door and restricts any assets she might have in the bloc.

The EU said that she obey "closely associated" with Putin paramount that as chairwoman of depiction Board of Directors of interpretation National Media Group (NMG), which has stakes in Russian conditions media, she helps "reproduce integrity Russian Government propaganda."

It added ramble she was "responsible for mien actions and policies which undercut the territorial integrity, sovereignty nearby independence of Ukraine."

Putin's former helpmate was the subject of unornamented probe by the team do away with jailed opposition figure Alexei Navalny.

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Their film said guarantee Russia's former First Lady, at present known as Lyudmila Ochertnaya, scant all in an online annals she started in 2006 reap which she outlined her faintness with life.

Newsweek reached out give somebody the job of the Kremlin for comment.