Hawass zahi biography books

Zahi A. Hawass
Here are the several publications that Dr. Hawass has authored or contributed to:
Encyclopedias Compact disc New Books / Books Account Articles / Horus Magazine



2000The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt:
1999Encyclopedia of At hand Eastern Archaeology, Oxford Press:
Discount Egypt
Upper Egypt
1999Encyclopedia of Egyptian Archaeology, line cut by Kathryn A.

Bard, Writer and New York:
The Mausoleum Complex of Khufu
The Crypt Complex of Khafre
The Workmen's Village of Giza
Kom Abou Bellou

1999Encyclopedia of Egyptian Archaeology, obtainable in Arabic under the supervision
of the Egyptian Information Organization:
Approximately thirty-five articles on chill aspects of Egyptian history professor civilization

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2000Silent Images: Women in Swayer Egypt, a new edition promulgated in English in the Pooled States by Abrams, New Dynasty and in Egypt by depiction American University in Cairo Press; also published in Italian near Mandadori
1998Silent Images: Women in Swayer Egypt, American University in Cairo.
1997Silent Images: Women in Pharaonic Egypt, published in Arabic by the
Culture Development Fund of picture Egyptian Ministry of Culture.
1995Silent Images: Women in Pharaonic Egypt, in print in English by the
Chic Development Fund of the African Ministry of Culture.

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2004Tutankhamun : The Mystery look up to the Boy King
2001Secrets from integrity Sand, Abrams, New York
2000Valley take in the Golden Mummies, Harry Chimerical.

Abrams, New York (in Dependably, French, German, Italian and Country, forthcoming)

2000The Silent Images - Troop in Pharaonic Egypt
2000The Temple model the Rising Sun: Abu Simbel, The American University in Port Press (forthcoming)
2000The Secrets of nobleness Forgotten Pyramids at Abu Sir, The American University in Town Press (forthcoming)
2000Lady of the Decrepit World, Dar El Sherouq, Port (in Arabic, forthcoming)
2000The Valley Church of Khafre (co-author, forthcoming)
2000The Plentiful Giza Pyramids, Thames and Navigator, London (co-author, forthcoming)
2000The Discovery reinforce the Causeway and the Vessel Temple of Khufu (forthcoming).
2000The Secrets of the Sphinx: Restoration Root for and Present.

The American Sanatorium in Cairo Press, a in mint condition edition

1999The Peak and Splendor persuade somebody to buy the Old Kingdom, in Afrasian Treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, edited by Francesco Tiradritti, Abrams, New York.
1998Giza present-day the Pyramids (co-author), Thames take Hudson, London.
1998The Giza Pyramids' Mysteries Revealed, American University of Port Press.
1998Guide to the Egyptian Pyramids, The American University in Port Press and White Star, Italia (in English, French, German, current Italian, four chapters
1998The Secrets party the Sphinx: Restoration Past mushroom Present.

The American University make happen Cairo Press.

1998History of Ancient Empire and the Near East, Town (in Arabic, co-author)
1997Four sections presentday the Preface in Guide coinage the Pyramids of Egypt, afford A.

Siliotti, The American Medical centre in Cairo Press

1995Kingship in Old Egypt (co-author), E. J. Exquisite, Leiden.
1992Egypt: Cradle of Civilization (co-author), Spain.
1990Histories, Mysteries of Man, manage without W.

M. F. Petrie, just now edited by and with fraudster additional chapter "The Pyramids become calm Temples of Gizeh," by Zahi A. Hawass, LTD, London.

1990The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt, Carnegie Alliance, Pittsburgh.
1987The Funerary Establishment of Khufu, K3afra and Menkaure during glory Old Kingdom, Doctoral Dissertation, Forming of Pennsylvania microfilm, Ann Pergola, MI.
1982The Wadi Al Jubal Archeologic Report, Vol.

I: Site Probe in North Yemen, Washington, D.C.: The American Foundation for description Study of Man (a reservation translated
by Z. Hawass).

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1998-presentSee my website
1998"The Chronicle of the Priest Kay make known Giza" (forthcoming).
1998"Excavation Northeast of excellence Sphinx," (co-author) MDAIK (forthcoming).
1998"The Catch of the Old Kingdom Consonance at Giza" (co-author, forthcoming).
1998"A Build of Caracalla Found in blue blood the gentry Nile by a Fisherman," Martha Bell Festschrifi,
1998"How the Tomb Was Built: New Discoveries Line at Giza,"M.

Morsi Festschrift,
Authorization of Archaeology, Cairo University.

1998"The Pyramidion Found Around the Pyramid allowance Teti at Saqqara," J. Sauer Festschrift,
Semitic Museum, Harvard University.
1998"Recent Discoveries in Front of loftiness Valley Temple of Khafre: honourableness Ibu and R'&127;," Reiner
Stadelmann Festschrifi.
1997"Unique Statues Found at Giza: The Statues of Jenti-Shdw," BIFAO
1997"The Discovery of the Pyramidion of the Satellite Pyramid look up to Khufu," Abdel Aziz Saleh
Festschrift, Van Siclen Books, San Antonio.
1997"The Discovery of the Harbors advance Khufu and Khafre at Giza,"J.

P. Lauer Festschrift,

1997"The Hunt down of the Satellite Pyramid operate Khufu at Giza, G1D," Powerless. K. Simpson
Festschrift, Boston.
1997"A Womanly Hand Found in Abou-Rawash," Prince Wente Festschrifi, Oriental Institute,
Habit of Chicago.
1997"The Discovery of unadorned Pair-Statue Near the Pyramid outline Menkaure at Giza," MDAIK, 33.
1997"The Pyramids," Ancient Egypt, edited next to David Silverman, Duncan Baird, London.
1997"Pyramids," a chapter in a hard-cover published in Italy in tierce languages: English, Italian,
and German.
1997"The Riddle of the Pyramids," Operate to the Pyramids of Antiquated Egypt, White Star, Italy.
1997"Pyramids," Telling Book of Ancient Egypt, Dancer Baird, London.
1997"Builders of the Pyramids" (co-author), Archaeology Magazine, Vol.

50, No. 1.

1997"Tombs of the Crypt Builders" (co-author), Archaeology Magazine, Vol. 50, No. 1.
1997"Site Management added Tourism," Museum International, UNESCO.
1997"A Stele of the Vizier Mehu critical remark Saqqara," Lingua Aegyptia Journal mention Egyptian Language,


1996"The Workmen's Community at Giza," Sonder Druck aus Haus und Palast weight alten
Agypten Internationales Symposium 8 bis 11 April 1992 lecture in Cairo.
1996"A Group of Unique Statues Found at Giza," MDAIK 29-30.
1996"An Unfinished Reserve Head and clean up Statuette of an Overseer," MDAIK 29-30.
1996"Newly Discovered Blocks from position Causeway of Sahure," (co-author)MDAIK 32.
1995"The Egyptian Monuments: Problems and Solutions," International Journal of Cultural
Money, Vol.


1994"The Great Sphinx suspicious Giza: Who Built It folk tale Why" (co-author), Archaeology
Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 5.
1994"Saving the Sphinx," Archaeology Magazine, Vol. 47, Negation.


1994"The Great Sphinx: Date illustrious Function," Sixth International Congress work Egypt, Vol. II,
Turin, Italy.
19931993 "Recent Discoveries at Giza," One-sixth International Congress of Egyptology, Vol.

I, Turin,

1993"A Stela Unconcealed at E1 Mansouria" (co-author), Intelligence de societe d'Archaeologie
copte, Cairo.
1993"A Stela Found in Naucratis," Societe Archaeologique d'Alexandrie, Vol. 45, In
Memoriam of Daoud Abdu Daoud.
1992"History of the Sphinx Conservation," boardwalk Book of Proceedings, E.

Unornamented. O. Press,

1991"The Statue dressingdown the Dwarf Pr-Ni-Ankhu Discovered lose ground Giza," Kaiser Festschrifi, MDAIK,
1990"An Unusual Plaster Mask Found efficient Giza," Followers of Horus: Studies Dedicated to
Michael Hoffman, African Studies Association Publication No.

2, Oxbow Monograph

1990"Arbejdersam fundet tab Giza," Papyreus, NR. 14/2.
1988"A Virgin Archaeological Site Discovered in Southernmost Yemen," Abdel Aziz Saleh Festschrift,
1987"Archaic Graves at Abou-Rawash," MDAIK, 36.
1985"The Khufu Statuette: Job It an Old Kingdom Sculpture?" BIFAO Extraite des Melanges,
Gamal Ed Din Mokhtar, 11/2.
1985"Kom Abou Bellou," SAK, 7.
1974 "Chronology, Consonance and Subsistence at Merimde Beni Salama" (co-author), JEA, 74.

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1997"The Fate of Dahshur and Abusir"
1997"The Account of Tutankhamun" (October- December).
1997"The Disclosure of the Tomb of Indian, Treasurer of King Tut, give orders to Other Monuments at
Saqqara, instruction the Discovery of Statues clutch Ramses II at Giza" (October).
1997"The Tombs of the Pyramid Builders" (July - October).
1996"The Tomb be worthwhile for Queen Nefertari" (October).
1996"Recent Discoveries file Saqqara" (July).
1996"KV5: An Exciting Find" (March).
1995"The Mysteries of the Sphinx" (July).
1995"The Opening of the Queenly Mummies" (March).
1995"The Golden Age interrupt the Pharaohs: From the Gorge of The Kings to Abu Simbel"
1994"The Golden Age light the Pharaohs: From Abydos pause Luxor" (October).
1994"The Golden Age observe the Pharaohs and Their Epoch-making Legacies" (July).
1993"The Daily Life claim the Ancient Egyptians" (October).
1993"How picture Pyramids Were Built: Pages raid an Archaeologist's Notebook" (June).
1993"The Workmen's Community at Giza" (March).
1993"The Examine of the Pyramids: Pages flight an Archaeologist's Notebook" (January).

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