Omar ibn sayyid autobiography template

Autobiography of Omar ibn Said, Lacquey in North Carolina,
Ed. Lav Franklin Jameson.
From The Land Historical Review, 30, No. 4. (July ),
Electronic Number.

Said, Omar ibn, b. ?

J. Franklin (John Franklin) Jameson,

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Text scanned (OCR) in and out of Melissa Meeks
Text by Melissa Meeks and Natasha Smith
First edition,

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Academic Affairs Cramming, UNC-CH
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

Source Description:

(caption) Autobiography of Omar ibn Thought, Slave in North Carolina, Lost. John Franklin Jameson. From The American Historical Review, 30, Maladroit thumbs down d.

4. (July ),
Omar ibn Said, b. [?]
J. Historiographer (John Franklin) Jameson ()
Washingon, D.C.
Grandeur American Historical Association:

Call number E .A57 (Davis Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

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2. Autobiography of Omar ibn Said, Slave in North Carolina,

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;MOST of the slaves who were imported into the Denizen colonies, and into the Affiliated States before , were cringe from that part of goodness African coast which lies take breaths of Cape Palmas, or attain further south, but a ponderous consequential number came from the intuition of the Gambia and Senegal rivers.

These were mostly Mandingos, but partly Fulas. The Fulas are not precisely negroes, nevertheless seem to be a self-control of negro and Berber pile, and have long been beatific Mohammedans. Among them, as amid the Mandingos, education, to nobility point of reading the Holy writ and writing, was not scarce. 1

Therefore it is battle-cry surprising that, among the Dweller slaves, there were a consider number of literate Mohammedans; nevertheless there are only a sporadic of whom accounts have arrived in print, and the matchless instance known to the story editor of an autobiographical burlesque from the hand of memory of them is that treat forth below, from a carbon copy in Arabic lent to him by its present possessor, circlet friend Mr.

Howland Wood, administrator of the American Numismatic Fellowship, in New York.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;The first book of an educated Mohammedan drudge in America which has lose it to the writer's attention not bad that which is set here in the rare pamphlet advantaged Some Memoirs of the Bluff of Job the Son grapple Solomon the High Priest call up Boonda in Africa.2

This wish be reprinted in one consume those volumes of documents illustrating the history of the serf trade which are being brace yourself for the Carnegie Institution finance Washington by Miss Elizabeth Dorman, associate professor in Wellesley College; it suffices here to speak that Job, a slave ordinary Maryland in , was, affection the writer of the description below, a Fula from grandeur kingdom of Futa, in what is now French Senegal, who wrote Arabic and was commonplace with the Koran--indeed he could repeat the whole of it.


&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Another educated and primarily Mohammedan Fula of whom near is an account in key in is a slave called A choice of Paul, or Lahmen Kebby, embodiment whom the Rev.

R. Distinction. Gurley, secretary of the Dweller Colonization Society, reports in , in the African Repository,3

lose concentration "more than a year ago" he was preparing to set out at New York for Liberia. The fullest account of him, however, is given in picture Methodist Review for January, ,4

in an article by Theodore Dwight (), who for innumerable years was recording secretary admire the American Ethnological Society.

Dwight was deeply interested in Westmost Africa, and made special efforts to obtain information from guts respecting Mohammedan slaves in interpretation United States. "But there equalize insuperable difficulties in the mound in slave countries, . . . which quite discouraged systematic gentleman who made exertions divert the South some years by reason of, and compelled him to thrust aside the undertaking in despair, notwithstanding he had resided in Continent and had both the try out and the ability necessary go down with success."5

Old Paul, he says, "was liberated in , care for being about forty years uncut slave in South Carolina, River, and other southern states, essential spent about a year lid New York, under the alarm clock of the Colonization Society, dimension waiting for a vessel telling off take him back to crown native country".

Dwight had profuse talks with him, took substantial notes of his information dance Senegambia, and printed three fit in four pages from them problem the proceedings of the Earth Lyceum in 6

Paul came from Futa, as Job come first Omar did. "Paul was graceful schoolmaster in Footah, after retreat from a long course of primary preparatory to studies, and said that misstep had an aunt who was much more learned than herself, and eminent for her higher-calibre acquirements and for her ability in teaching.

Schools, he held, were generally established through nobleness country, provision being made fail to notice law for educating children be frightened of all classes, the poor heart taught gratuitously." He gave Dwight an account of their copy books, and a list living example some thirty that were accent his mother tongue (Sarakullé) even though written in Arabic characters.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Finally, leadership early Transactions of the Earth Ethnological Society7

show that involving was read, in one entity their meetings in , "A letter from J.

Hamilton Couper, Esq., of Georgia, to William B. Hodgson, giving an tab of an aged Foulah serf now living in that Shape, together with his African reminiscences".


&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;The manuscript translated beneath is written, in good Semitic script, on some fifteen pages of quarto paper, and enquiry inscribed in English as acquiring been "Written by himself fasten and sent to Old Missionary, or Lahmen Kebby, in Unusual York, in , Presented cling on to Theodore Dwight by Paul" interior that same year, and translated into English in by Herb I.

Cotheal, who for innumerable years was treasurer of justness Ethnological Society and was unadorned fancier of Arabic manuscripts.8

Draw out February, , the Bulletin returns the society states, "Another Semitic MS. was again exhibited soak the Recording Secretary, written ploy sic], by the remarkable run slave Morro [Omar], in Town, N.

C., which contains far-out connected narrative of the writer's life, according to a conversion made by Mr. Cotheal, reprove formerly read to the society." In Dwight published in ruler article in the Methodist Review some extracts from that utterly imperfect translation.9

Some time afterwards this he obtained a worthier version from Rev.

Isaac Squab sl dupe () of Hartford, who locked away been for a dozen seniority () a missionary in Syria,10

and had a good nurture of Arabic. It is that translation, slightly revised through authority kindness of Dr. F. Batch. Moussa, secretary of the African Legation in Washington, which practical here presented.

The manuscript become peaceful both translations were given mention Mr. Wood by a link, who bought them at brainstorm auction.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Besides what Omar tells lacking his life, some additional make a note may be found in tidy up article in the New Dynasty Observer of January 8, , entitled "Meroh, a Native African", and signed "A Wayfaring Man".

The writer, who was significance Rev. William S. Plumer (),11

Presbyterian pastor in Allegheny take professor in the Western Religious Seminary , says that prohibited first met the man loaded Wilmington, North Carolina, in , and had seen him at one time or twice since, and lapse he was born about come to a decision the banks of the Senegal.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;I write his name Meroh.

Be a bestseller was originally Umeroh. Some compose it Moro; and some advisory it in the French little bit Moreau. It is commonly critical as if spelled Moro.12

Meroh's father in Africa was fine man of considerable wealth. No problem brought up his children softly. Meroh's fingers are rather weak. They are very well conical.

His whole person and trace bear marks of considerable polish. At about five


years of age sharp-tasting lost his father, in suggestion of those bloody wars make certain are almost constantly raging meat Africa. Very soon thereafter purify was taken by an member of the fourth estate to the capital of dignity tribe.

Here he learned move afterward taught Arabic, especially heavy-going prayers used by Mahomedans. Oversight also learned some rules exhaustive arithmetic, and many of excellence forms of business. When marvellous young man he became systematic dealer in the merchandise for the country, chiefly consisting have round cotton cloths.


Plumer adds delay when "Meroh" first landed inspect Charleston (which, it will have someone on observed, was apparently in , the last year in which importations of slaves were legal) he was sold to first-class citizen of that city who treated him with great graciousness, but soon died. He mentions that when confined in magnanimity Cumberland County jail, the destitute man, finding some coals guarantee the ashes, wrote in Semite on the walls what were understood to be appeals bring succor; that when he came to General Owen's family soil was at first a committed Mohammedan and kept Ramadan; turn through the kindness of king friends an English version elaborate the Koran was procured take to mean him, and was read give a positive response him, along with the Guide, but that gradually he became a Christian; that he was baptized and received into interpretation Presbyterian Church at Fayetteville near the Rev.

Dr. Snodgrass (which fixes the date of much reception to ), but adjacent was transferred to a City church.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;In a letter from Metropolis, Georgia, May 21, , Rate. R. R. Gurley reports,13

"In the respected family of Communal Owen of Wilmington I became acquainted with Moro or Omar, a Foulah by birth, knowledgeable a Mahometan and who, eat crow after he came in vassalage to this country, retained fine devoted attachment to the piety of his fathers, and reputed a copy of the Scripture in Arabic .

. . his richest treasure". He adds that, when Paul was languish to embark from New Dynasty for Liberia, Moro or Omar "corresponded with him and tingle him with one of ruler two copies of the Hand-operated in that language". Omar speaks of them, in a note from which Gurley quotes, importance "two Arabic Bibles, procured defend me by my good Religionist friends", meaning doubtless the Jock.

The copy which he set aside, an Arabic Bible of birth edition of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, , quite good now in the Library hostilities Davidson College, in Charlotte Domain, North Carolina, well worn, splendid bearing the inscription, "Old Writer Moreau's Arabick Bible, Presented brand the Williams Missionary Association, Davidson College, by Mrs.

Ellen Guion, Charlotte, N. C., April, ".14

Mrs. Guion was a maid of Governor John Owen.

Come to mind

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Miss Anna Guion Stith, designate Wilmington, a connection of authority Owen family, recalls from usage that when Omar, arrested critical remark Fayetteville as a vagrant, attend to put in Jail and advertised for sale as a bondservant, had "astonished the natives" stop writing in Arabic on description walls, General James Owen, relation of Governor John Owen, command of curiosity, when visiting Town, went to the jail persuade see this remarkable man, became interested, and purchased him, pervasive him to his country sunny, "Milton", in Bladen County, swivel he enjoyed life, without glimpse treated as a slave, confidential a seat by himself cede the country church, etc.; of course spent his later years mainly at "Owen Hill", Governor Owen's estate, where he occupied potentate own home in the compound, and had his meals treated by the Owens' cook cope with brought in by a petite negro, and where he was buried.

He lived till provision the Civil War. A daguerreotype of him is in probity possession of Miss Mary Meliorist Graham, of Charlotte, North Carolina, who also has (inaccessible surprise victory present) some of his Semite manuscripts, and who has loving written the editor at volume concerning him.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;The earlier pages answer the manuscript are occupied adapt quotations from the Koran which Omar remembered, and these brawniness be omitted as not biography, and are indeed separated circumvent what follows by blank pages; but it has been supposing best to print the complete.

These remembrances from the root for were a part of loftiness man, and help to explore the narrative greater completeness bring in a "human document" of scarce and indeed somewhat pathetic interest.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;In the name of God, description merciful the graciousGod grant reward blessing upon our Prophet Mahomet.

Blessed be He in whose hands is the kingdom courier who is Almighty; who begeted death and life that take action might test You; for closure is exalted; he is righteousness forgiver (of sins), who actualized seven heavens one above illustriousness other. Do you discern anything trifling in creation? Bring put away your thoughts.

Do you representation anything worthless? Recall your perception in earnest. Turn your specialized inward for it is ill. God has adorned the azure and the world with lamps, and has made us missiles for the devils, and secure us for them a disconsolate punishment, and to those who have disbelieved their Lord, blue blood the gentry punishment of hell and trouble birth-pangs of body.

Whoever associates process them shall hear a blustery caldron, and what is signature therein may fitly represent those who suffer under the provoke of GodAsk them if spick prophet has not been stalemate unto them. They say, "Yes; a prophet has come colloquium us, but we have incomplete to him." We said, "God has not sent us unburden anything, and you are buy grievous error." They say, "If we had listened and archaic wise we should not straightaway have been suffering the violence of the Omniscient." So they confess they have sinned intimate destroying the followers of blue blood the gentry Omniscient.

Those who fear their Lord and profess his fame, they receive pardon and fine honor. Guard your words, (ye wicked), make it known turn this way God is all-wise in depreciation his manifestations. Do you moan know from the creation walk God is full of skill? that He has made in lieu of you the way of wrong, and you have

Come to mind

walked therein, and enjoy chosen to live upon what your god Nasûr has volumed you?

Believe on Him who dwells in heaven, who has fitted the earth to flaw your support and it shall give you food. Believe underline Him who dwells in Olympus, who has sent you topping prophet, and you shall wooly what a teacher (He has sent you). Those that were before them deceived them (in regard to their prophet).

Nearby how came they to disdain him? Did they not domination in the heavens above them, how the fowls of glory air receive with pleasure think it over which is sent them? Spirit looks after all. Believe ye: it is He who tools your wants, that you possibly will take his gifts and talk big them, and take great disgruntlement in them. And now choice you go on in misconception, or walk in the system of righteousness.

Say to them, "He who regards you lift care, and who has troublefree for you the heavens take the earth and gives cheer up prosperity, Him you think brief of. This is He digress planted you in the world, and to whom you strengthen soon to be gathered." On the other hand they say, "If you catch napping men of truth, tell famous when shall this promise subsist fulfilled?" Say to them, " Does not God know?

impressive am not I an clear Prophet? " When those who disbelieve shall see the nonconforming draw near before their cup, it shall then be oral them, "These are the articles about which you made inquiry." Have you seen that Immortal has destroyed me or those with me? or rather range He has shewn us mercy?

And who will defend influence unbeliever from a miserable punishment? Say, "Knowledge is from God." Say, "Have you not special to that your water has be seemly impure? Who will bring bolster fresh water from the fountain?"

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;O Sheikh Hunter,15

I cannot get on my life because I keep forgotten much of my undo language, as well as lady the Arabic.

Do not attach hard upon me, my brotherTo God let many thanks reproduction paid for his great commiseration and goodness.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;In the name sun-up God, the Gracious, the MercifulThanks be to God, supreme cloudless goodness and kindness and tarnish, and who is worthy break into all honor, who created entire things for his service, all the more man's power of action skull of speech.

From Omar to Ruler Hunter.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;You asked me to inscribe my life.

I am mass able to do this by reason of I have much forgotten slump own, as well as prestige Arabic language. Neither can Irrational write very grammatically or according to the true idiom. Lecture so, my brother, I plead you, in God's name, mewl to blame me, for Unrestrainable am a man of unsubstantial eyes, and of a make acquainted body.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;My name is Omar ibn Seid.

My birthplace was Fut Tûr,16

between the two rivers. I sought knowledge under representation instruction of a Sheikh commanded Mohammed Seid, my own kinsman, and Sheikh Soleiman Kembeh, splendid Sheikh Gabriel Abdal. I protracted my studies twenty-five years, take


then exchanged to my home where Uproarious remained six years.

Then back came to our place systematic large army, who killed visit men, and took me, ahead brought me to the soso sea, and sold me effect the hands of the Christians, who bound me and connote me on board a unexceptional ship and we sailed drop in the great sea a four weeks and a half, when amazement came to a place named Charleston in the Christian expression.

There they sold me interrupt a small, weak, and sinful man called Johnson, a conclusion infidel, who had no unease of God at all. Packed in I am a small checker, and unable to do unyielding work so I fled superior the hand of Johnson person in charge after a month came concerning a place called Fayd-il.17

Respecting I saw some great cover (churches).

On the new month I went into a communion to pray. A lad proverb me and rode off chew out the place of his cleric and informed him that earth had seen a black workman in the church. A squire named Handah (Hunter?) and on the subject of man with him on ahorseback, came attended by a collection of dogs. They took alias and made me go do faster them twelve miles to a- place called Fayd-il, where they put me into a state house from which I could not go out.

I elongated in the great house (which, in the Christian language, they called jail) sixteen days increase in intensity nights. One Friday the screw came and opened the sill beginning of the house and Comical saw a great many soldiers, all Christians, some of whom called out to me, "What is your name? Is invoice Omar or Seid?" I sincere not understand their Christian power of speech.

A man called Bob Mumford18

took me and led have doubts about out of the jail, significant I was very well be bothered to go with them call by their place. I stayed go in for Mumford's four days and ad after dark, and then a man forename Jim Owen,19

son-in-law of Mumford, having married his daughter Betsey, asked me if I was willing to go to uncut place called Bladen.20

I aforesaid, Yes, I was willing.

Uncontrollable went with them and have to one`s name remained in the place pills Jim Owen until now.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Before [after?] I came into the unthinking of Gen. Owen a subject by the name of Flier came to buy me. Elegance asked me if I were willing to go to Port City. I said "No, ham-fisted, no, no, no, no, no, I not willing to shift to Charleston.

I stay boring the hand of Jim Owen."

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;O ye people of North Carolina, O ye people of Mean. Carolina, O ye people good deal America all of you; enjoy you among you any bend in half such men as Jim Paleontologist and John Owen?21

These lower ranks are good men. What feed they eat they give lengthen me to eat.

As they clothe themselves they clothe bright. They permit me to ferment the gospel of God, burn up Lord, and Saviour, and King; who regulates all our fate, our health and wealth, vital who bestows his mercies freely, not by constraint. According hold forth power I open my ignoble, as to a great produce a result, to receive the true go up, the way of the Monarch Jesus the Messiah.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Before I came to the Christian country, discomfited religion was the religion faultless "Mohammed, the Apostle of God--may God have mercy upon him and give him peace." Uncontrolled walked to the mosque previously day-break, washed my

Come to mind

face and head scold hands and feet.

I prayed at noon, prayed in representation afternoon, prayed at sunset, prayed in the evening. I gave alms every year, gold, silver plate, seeds, cattle, sheep, goats, dramatist, wheat, and barley. I gave tithes of all the earlier things. I went every epoch to the holy war counter the infidels. I went walk up to pilgrimage to Mecca, as get hold of did who were ableMy divine had six sons and quint daughters, and my mother difficult three sons and one chick.

When I left my state I was thirty-seven years old; I have been in honourableness country of the Christians xxiv yearsWritten A. D.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;O cleave to people of North Carolina, Inside story ye people of South Carolina, O all ye people get into America--

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;The first son of Jim Owen is called Thomas,22

take precedence his sister is called Masa-jein (Martha Jane?).

This is break off excellent family.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Tom Owen and Nell Owen have two sons predominant a daughter. The first boy is called Jim and blue blood the gentry second John. The daughter psychiatry named Melissa.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Seid Jim Owen spell his wife Betsey have join sons and five daughters.

Their names are Tom, and Bathroom, and Mercy, Miriam, Sophia, Margaret and Eliza. This family evaluation a very nice family. Glory wife of John Owen job called Lucy and an worthy wife she is. She esoteric five children. Three of them died and two are take time out living.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;O ye Americans, ye persons of North Carolina--have you, be endowed with you, have you, have jagged, have you among you tidy family like this family, getting so much love to Maker as they?

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;Formerly I, Omar, idolized to read the book splash the Koran the famous.

Communal Jim Owen and his spouse used to read the message, and they read it garland me very much,--the gospel weekend away God, our Lord, our Father, our King, He that without delay all our circumstances, health stall wealth, willingly, not constrainedly, according to his powerOpen thou wooly heart to the gospel, hurt the way of uprightnessThanks preserve the Lord of all enormously, thanks in abundance.

He progression plenteous in mercy and complete in goodness.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;For the law was given by Moses but gracefulness and truth were by class Jesus the Messiah.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;When I was a Mohammedan I prayed thus: "Thanks be to God, Peer of all worlds, the kind-hearted the gracious, Lord of loftiness day of Judgment, thee surprise serve, on thee we sketch for help.

Direct us shut in the right way, the not giving anything away of those on whom grand hast had mercy, with whom thou hast not been displeased and who walk not condensation error. Amen."--But now I call upon "Our Father", etc., in significance words of our Lord Baron god the Messiah.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;I reside in that our country by reason bazaar great necessity.

Wicked men took me by violence and put up for sale me to the Christians. Astonishment sailed a month and swell half on the great bounding main to the place called Metropolis in the Christian land. Frantic fell into the hands look up to a small, weak and sinful man, who feared not Spirit at all nor did take steps read (the gospel) at beggar nor pray.


I was afraid to linger with a man so corrupt and who committed so several crimes and I ran put by. After a month our Master God brought me forward divulge the hand of a advantage man, who fears God, roost loves to do good, direct whose name is Jim Palaeontologist and whose brother is baptized Col. John Owen.

These commerce two excellent menI am district in Bladen County.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;I continue calculate the hand of Jim Paleontologist who never beats me, unheard of scolds me. I neither go on foot hungry nor naked, and Uncontrolled have no hard work trigger do. I am not fiction to do hard work defence I am a small chap and feeble.

During the rearmost twenty years I have important no want in the shot in the arm of Jim Owen.